AVIODEOX HL, specifically formulated as a deoxidant, does not require a pre-cleaning action with the exception of the presence of excessive fatty depositions, and it comprises an acid base which is not as aggressive as hydrochloric acid. Exhaustive production tests at many plants have demonstrated that, using by means of immersion or circulation, it not only removes scales and oxides effectively , but it also affords considerable economic savings by limiting risk and damage to staff or equipement.

Main Characteristics

  • Treatments with AVIODEOX HL do not require neutralisation.  
  • Not only is AVIODEOX HL safer to use than hydrochloric acid, but powerful corrosion inhibitors – that avoid acid attack on the underlying metal- also intervene in its composition. They may be used by circulation by means of steam generators without causing any damage to its components, even whilst the generator remains hot and avoiding rapid scale redeposition. 
  • Corrosion tests have demonstrated that AVIODEOX HL is five times less corrosive than hydrochloric acid on ferrous metals, ten times less on copper, hundred times less on bronze and five hundred times less on aluminium.

Thanks to its powerful, penetrating and solvent action, AVIODEOX HL is able to penetrate light coats of oil and thereby avoid any pre-cleaning with the exception of the removal of heavy fatty deposits.