T-4454 SPECIAL is an emulsifier-type liquid for degreasing and protecting metals. It easily removes light machining, cutting and protective oils,etc; and contains a powerful corrosion inhibitor which allows for storage during the different processes for the manufacture and preparation of the degreased parts.
Main Characteristics
- Soluble in most solvents and oils. Emulsifies quickly in water.
- Is not corrosive on ferrous metals, aluminium, magnesium, copper and alloys, electroplating, and is compatible with all metals in general.
- Flash point 160ºC ( C.O.C)
- Does not produce foam in sprinkling equipment.
T-4454 SPECIAL may be applied using immersion or spray method, the latter being more commonly used. Equipment: Tanks, pumps and spray equipment and heating equipment made of ordinary steel.
Concentration: 1% to 10% in water. Preferably 3%.
Dissolution: Add to cold or warm water and stir until emulsion has been fully achieved.
Temperature: Ambient up to 60º C. .
For more information please contact our Technical Department.